Daniels Mocks Emanuel And His Plans For Chicago Casino

Gov. Mitch Daniels mocked Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel during a radio interview on WLS radio's Don and Roma Show for focusing on a Chicago casino to stop Illinois' gamblers from dropping their money in northwest Indiana's casinos when he should be more worried about the stampede of Illinois businesses heading across the border to Indiana.

Daniels told WLS Radio’s The Don and Roma Show, that while Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants a casino to stop Chicagoans from gambling in Hammond, Indiana, Emanuel should have other concerns.
“What he ought to worry more about is the stampede of businesses leaving Illinois. You know your traffic gal Wendy left out one traffic hazard, you stand near the state line now you might get hit by a moving van,” Daniels said Thursday.
“We are talking and signing up businesses left and right. The gambling revenue, I mean, pays a few of our bills but you don’t build a strong state on casinos. You build it on factories and new business startups and you know, places that provide really high paying jobs,” Daniels said.
Daniels told the radio pair he had no photos of himself in boxers or briefs in reference to a question poking fun at U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) growing scandal over a lewd picture posted on his Twitter account, which Weiner says he cannot say with certainty is not of him. Daniels says he won't reconsider his decision not to run for president. He does a little fibbing when he tells Don and Roma he never raised taxes as governor. He raised the state sales tax and the cigarette tax to name just two. He wanted to raise income taxes on those earning more than a $100,000 a year, but the legislature turned him down on that one. Daniels spoke very favorably of U.S. Rep. Mike Pence, who is seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination next year to take his place. Daniels demurred when asked whether his wife or daughters were more persuasive in discouraging him from running for president. Daniels also touted his new book expected out this fall.