Another Look At Glen Campbell's Performance At The Palladium

The Star's David Lindquist gave a stinging review of Glen Campbell's performance earlier this month at the Palladium in Carmel in what he described as "a mystifyingly bad show":

Regrettably, the show unraveled Saturday as perhaps the first full-on clunker at the Carmel concert hall.
Facing a sold-out audience nestled in a world-class room, Campbell came across as unprepared at best and disoriented at worst.
He mangled lyrics (despite unabashed use of video prompts on three onstage monitors), clanged countless off-key guitar notes and generated zero rapport with the crowd.
Campbell struggled to even communicate with long-running band leader T.J. Keunster.
"What key? . . . Who wrote it? . . . I like this song," served as an evening-long mantra for Country Music Hall of Famer Campbell . . .
Saturday's program: Webb as supporting act, followed by a Campbell train wreck better suited for a county-fair beer tent.
Campbell's wife Kim confirmed in an interview with People magazine that her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease six months ago to explain why he sometimes appears confused on stage.

Singer Glen Campbell, who announced in February that he'll do a retirement tour this year, has Alzheimer's disease.
In an interview with People magazine, the singer's wife, Kim, said she wanted fans to be aware of his condition: "Glen is still an awesome guitar player and singer, but if he flubs a lyric or gets confused on stage, I wouldn't want people to think, 'What's the matter with him? Is he drunk?' "
Campbell, 75, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's six months ago.