Another Case Of Police Arresting Citizen For Recording Their Actions
Police in Rochester, New York arrest a woman, Emily Good, who was peacefully standing in her front yard video taping their arrest of another man. The police became upset she was filming the arrest and ordered her to go back into her house. When she explained she had the right to stand on her property and film them, she was arrested. The police officer claimed he did not feel safe with her standing behind them and filming them, even though there was no sign of the woman acting with a menacing intent. Ironically, the man who was detained and handcuffed by the police during a traffic stop was released while they took the woman away to jail. The police action is clearly an arrest lacking probable cause and an infringement of Good's First Amendment rights. I previously posted how our neighboring state of Illinois has passed a state law that makes any recording without both parties' consent illegal, including a recording of a police officer's public actions. To my knowledge, New York does not have a law similar to Illinois'