Here are the details:
Zip’s Ziggurat presents another Huge! Insane! Music Yard Sale
10,000s of LPs , CDs, 45s +12”s - rock, pop, hip hop, country, dance, world, folk, reggae, soul, alt.rock, jazz, funk, punk, r+b, metal, classical, techno, new wave, house, old-timey, breaks, spoken, 80’s, electro, blues, promos, DVDs (music + features), tons more.
Insultingly low prices. As low as $0.50 (hey, some are even “cheaper than free”.
Listen before you buy - Free refreshments too! - Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday + Sunday + Monday 10am – 6pm
May 28th, 29th and 30th
All covered, so it’s RAIN OR SHINE
Osnas Lane
Near Rt 212 + Glasco Turnpike junction (Next to Red Onion Restaurant)
Woodstock / West Saugerties NY 12498
And as if thats not enough, our pals at the Archive of Contemporary Music will be doing their semi annual thing in June for a solid eight days! Here are the details for that:
Saturday, June 18 till Sunday June 26, everyday, 11 am to 6pm.
Once again there's tons of LPs, CDs, books, video and DVDs - everything and anything music related that we have more than two of! Plus the Yardsale items from various estates donated to us.
Remember most CDs at our sale are cheaper than downloading one song! This year specials include more Jazz + Blues LPs than usual • CDs donated by Nonesuch Records • Celtic Corner – stacks of Irish traditional and modern CDs • Classical 45s from the 50s from Decca • MINT condition comedy LPs and much MUCH more!
Don't forget you can JOIN the ARC and mix with other ARC members at our fab COCKTAIL PARTY, Thursday evening, from 6 - 9pm, June 16. Not only can you shop early, but once again Mike from Bonnie's Grill in Brooklyn will be supplying vats of his famouse hoty wings, and if we're lucky it will be champagne again from the lovely folks at the Bubble Lounge. Champagne + hot wings, who could ask for anything more?
Archive of Contemporary Music
54 White Street
NY NY 10013